Coffee Producer Highlight - Petrona Perez
We had the privilege to sit down with our longstanding coffee producer partner, Petrona Perez, a second-generation coffee producer in Aldea Qom in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala.
We had the privilege to sit down with our longstanding coffee producer partner, Petrona Perez, a second-generation coffee producer in Aldea Qom in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala.
We’re proud to highlight our longstanding coffee producer partner, Roberto Sabillon. Learn how he grows and processes exceptional coffee exclusively for Verve Coffee Roasters.
We touched down in Colombia to pay a special visit to a truly memorable woman and her farm in Chachagüí.
La Candelaria: Lot 603 tastes unlike any coffee we’ve ever offered, and last year’s eruption of Volcán de Fuego may explain why.
Mike Eyre, our CEO, visited Honduras on a coffee sourcing trip last month and was blown away by the coffee producers he met. Being that today is Father’s Day, Mike...
Asnake, expert agronomist and manager of the Farmer’s Cooperative Union of Western Ethiopia, shares his passion for coffee, the current challenges facing the farmers at Yukro, and his optimism for...
Over the past several years we have seen a lot of investment in Farmlevel micro-mill infrastructure in Honduras, not dissimilar to the micro-mill revolution in...Read more.
Listening to Macho share his humble beginning in the coffee world was one of the most impactful moments on the trip. He was working as a bagel maker in New...
From the Bella Vista cupping lab and compound in Antigua, Guatemala, to the remote volcanic coffee farm of Hunapu, the Verve team reports on the coffee offerings for 2019.
It would be an understatement to call our newest Farmlevel partner and a coffee producing prodigy. At just eighteen years of age, Denilson Madrid is already delivering world-class coffee from...
Sometimes we just can’t help but mash-up what we think are two or three of our most delicious seasonal offerings to yield something with the uniqueness of a single-origin, and...
Jess Groza and Hana Kaneshige team visit Antigua, Guatemala to visit Farmlevel partners and taste coffees from the recent harvest.