Fine Grind
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Honduras Juan Benitez
Single Origin - Honduras
Roast LevelLight roast2
Light roast -
Behind the cup
We’re elated to kick off the year with coffee from Juan Benitez. Each year, this Honduran gem captivates us with its tropical, sweet and delicate qualities. Bright pineapple flavors harmonize with the gentle sweetness of white sugar, perfectly balanced with lingering malty black tea notes.
Each coffee is roasted to order. Orders ship in 1-2 business days.
Grind selections
Our recommendations for brewing the perfect cup

Fine Grind

Medium Grind

Medium Grind

Medium Grind

Medium Grind

Coarse Grind

Coarse Grind
Farmlevel Story
Juan Benitez grew up in the South of Honduras before moving to the Santa Barbara region in 1980. He often traded work in exchange for housing until purchasing his own land in 1984. Fourteen years later, in 1998, he and his family began farming coffee.
Today, Juan Benitez owns six “manzanas” of land—about 10.32 acres—where he grows Typica, Bourbon, Pacas and Catimor varieties. Despite his farm’s growth and diversification, Juan’s unique aura and humor remain unchanged, transcending any language barrier. During a recent visit to his farm, we asked Juan about his goals for the year. With a smile, he shared that, despite the challenges of the harvest season, his primary goal was to find a new cowboy hat.
If you’re ever searching for Juan Benitez in the field, just listen for the sound of his singing and look for his signature cowboy hat. A devoted family man, Juan cherishes spending time with his six beloved grandchildren, one of whom is often trailing behind him as he strolls between rows of coffee trees.
This Pacas offering beautifully reflects the fertile Santa Barbara provenance and Juan Benitez’s remarkable work ethic and wonderful personality. It’s a shining example of his dedication and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Verve Coffee Calculator
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Move the slider along the bar based on how much your household drinks per day, and we’ll calculate how much coffee suits your needs. Yup, it’s that simple.