With the heat of summer comes the craving for light, sweet refreshment, and La Colmena is the perfect coffee for sipping on as the temperature passes the 80 mark. As someone who drinks hot coffee every day, even when I’m sweating with no AC, it’s important for me to find coffees that aren’t too heavy. I love African coffees, but the earthiness and general intensity can be too much for me during the summer months so I turn to Latin American coffees. We’ve had a great series of Honduran coffees coming out lately and La Colmena has been my stand-out favorite.

"...subtle watermelon notes as well as slight honeydew sweetness..."

My preferred way to make coffee at home is in a French press or Aeropress, and La Colmena brews brilliantly with both devices. Its subtle watermelon notes as well as slight honeydew sweetness mix with a hoppy, approachable bitterness that create a balanced cup like drinking a cold beer outside on a hot, humid day.