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Cascara Coffee Cherry Tea
Tasting Notes
Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Behind the cup
The intense sweetness of raisins is compared with a tart acidity and rosehip aromatic in this careful selection of cascara from the Helsar de Zarcero micro-mill. Each bag contains 90 grams of tea.
Rich in both caffeine and antioxidants, the consumption of cascara (otherwise referred to as “Qishr”) predates the consumption of roasted and brewed coffee on the Arabian peninsula. To this day, Qishr continues its reign as a more widely consumed and economically significant product than coffee in such countries.
Spanish for “husk” or “skin”, “Cáscara” is the dried fruit of a coffee cherry. Though often the byproduct of naturally-processed coffee, this lot of cascara from the Helsar de Zarcero micro-mill in the West Valley of Costa Rica comes to us through a proprietary process designed to preserve the de-pulped fruit of washed-processed coffee. Once separated from the coffee seed, ripe coffee cherries are oven-dehydrated to preserve their flavors and kill any unwanted bacteria. The resulting product comes in the form of a completely edible, dried fruit ideal for steeping like tea.
Brewing Instructions: Steep 9 grams of Cascara coffee cherry tea for every 12 ounces of 200-degree water for 6 minutes.
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